
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Up Mayo!!!!

The county is going wild!  The last time Mayo was in the Championship final was 2006.  The last time they won was 1951.  So people are VERY VERY excited for the upcoming match against Donegal this Sunday.  There's flags and red and green (or should I say green and red) bunting everywhere!  Here's our flag!  A perfect place to mount it -- a pile of rocks sitting in the middle of where our driveway is supposed to be.  When they cheer on a county team here, they say "Up -- (insert said county name here)".  Hence, Up Mayo!!!!  It's particularly funny if you're from County Down ("Up Down!).  So if you are abroad, this Sunday find an Irish pub that subscribes to international match coverage and cheer on Mayo to 'bring Sam home'.  I can't help the enthusiasm, it's infectious around here.

As for house stuff, things are puttering along.  The biggest push is that we finally have a utility room which rocks because I can finally do our own laundry (my in-laws have been doing ours since we moved in!
In the process of adding the utility room to the back of the house

It's nice & big, plenty of space for storage but we'll probably keep it unfinished for the moment until we see how the budget is getting on.

The other big work finished up was to get the septic tank and percolation area up to scratch.  Waiting for good enough weather to get on with it took some time this summer but atleast all is done now. 

Stevie's also been busy laying loads of pipes to get our drainage around the house sorted and this week I think he's moving onto footpaths.  I think footpaths are another one of those things that really make a difference to the house looking like it's made progress.  There's loads of stuff that needs to be done leading up to it but it's that one step that makes an obvious difference.